I found the premise of this exercise quite tricky. The intro explained that the grid of colours I dislike might be the preferred collection of colours, this was not the case for me. I put this down to me preferring muted colours, or more accurately tints and shades.
If I’m being honest when it comes to art and design I don’t have a favourite colour or a set pallete. Each project is bound to a subject and result I am striving for, I could pick a bright gaudy set of swatches if it was needed for the result I wanted to achieve. To get around this I picked colours that I would be comfortable wearing.
Colour psychology in itself could be subjective and even changes culturally and geographically. We do associate colour with emotions in both written and visual messages, phrases like green with envy, green is also quite widely used to indicate a chemist, as well as portraying a negative emotion it also feels like a colour of health. In the uk a hospital is signified with a red cross, a danger, emergency colour. In some American states the same sign is depicted in blue, a calm reassuring peaceful colour.
All Hues are subject to nuance and their meaning can change quite easily by the slightest shifts.
In that respect I proceeded with the opinion that there is no right or wrong and this was indeed based on my own feelings and perceptions and hopefully they would be similar to the general consensus, this made me feel a little more confident in my choices.

I think I could repeat this exercise and get slightly different results, especially for some that are similar like gregarious and sociable. My current mood might even be a factor. I think this kind of exercise may work better in a group, that. way you could get a better feel for a more universal common choice. This subject is an important one and something I will pay more attention to in the future.